The Australian Government's National Cultural Policy—Revive: a place for every story, a story for every place, is a 5-year plan to renew and revive Australia's arts, entertainment and cultural sector. Information about the consultation, development, and implementation of Revive is available at: National Cultural Policy—Revive: a place for every story, a story for every place.

Revive is structured around five interconnected pillars:

  1. First Nations First: Recognising and respecting the crucial place of First Nations stories at the centre of Australia's arts and culture.
  2. A Place for Every Story: Reflecting the breadth of our stories and the contribution of all Australians as the creators of culture.
  3. Centrality of the Artist: Supporting the artist as worker and celebrating artists as creators.
  4. Strong Cultural Infrastructure: Providing support across the spectrum of institutions which sustain our arts, culture and heritage.
  5. Engaging the Audience: Making sure our stories connect with people at home and abroad.

As Revive items are delivered, they will be listed on the website, including where actions are ongoing programs and initiatives.

As at 24 March 2025, 66 actions have been delivered.

Click on each of the 5 Pillars below to find out what has been delivered to date.

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