Delivered actions

Through Revive, the Australian Government:

  • Released its response to the Productivity Commission's study report into the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander visual arts and crafts market. The study examined the value, nature and structure of markets for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander visual arts and craft and provided 26 findings and 10 recommendations to government. It will strengthen the protections through new legislation and policies as well as bolstering the Indigenous Art Code, improving funding arrangements, and increasing professional support and development opportunities for First Nations artists and communities.
  • Established a First Nations Board and appointed 2 Co-chairs and 8 other members to support and promote Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander arts practice on 9 September 2024. The Board oversees the work of First Nations Arts within Creative Australia to support and promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts, enhances sustainable career pathways for First Nations people in the arts and increases opportunities to grow First Nations audiences.
  • Committed $80 million to assist the Northern Territory government establish the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Gallery of Australia. For more information, visit the Invest NT website.
  • Committed $1.5 million to support professional development and training opportunities for First Nations artists and arts workers, with further investment planned for 2025–26. This will help ensure artists are treated ethically and receive a fair return for their work.
  • Supports ongoing telling of First Nations histories and stories in Australian galleries, libraries, archives and museums. The government consulted with all nine National Collecting Institutions, resulting in a public commitment to incorporate Revive Pillar 1, First Nations First, as a key part of corporate strategies.
  • Established a First Nations Languages Policy Partnership between First Nations representatives and Australian governments to improve outcomes for First Nations peoples. The sixth Languages Policy Partnership meeting was held in June 2024 in Gimuy/Cairns.
  • Provided $5 million to upgrade training facilities at NAISDA Dance College's Kariong campus.
  • Launched Voices of Country—Australia's Action Plan for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages 2022–2032 on 23 August 2023, providing a framework to guide Australia's participation in the Decade. The Action Plan was co-authored in partnership between the First Nations members of the Directions Group and the Australian Government.
  • Continued support for First Nations peoples to express, conserve and maintain their culture through languages and the arts, under the Indigenous Languages and Arts program. More information on this program, including funding recipients, visit Indigenous Languages and Arts program.
  • Continued investment in First Nations art centres, as well as pivotal sector organisations, through the Indigenous Visual Arts Industry Support program to benefit First Nations communities. For more information on this program, including funding recipients, visit Indigenous Visual Arts Industry Support program.
  • Continued seeking the voluntary and unconditional return of First Nations ancestors and cultural heritage material held overseas and domestically, and the return of First Nations ancestors and secret sacred objects held in 8 major museums. For more information on the program, visit the Indigenous Repatriation and Return of Cultural Heritage | AIATSIS websites.