The Australian Government supports 37 Australian leading performing arts companies through the National Performing Arts Partnership Framework.
The Framework, which provides a cohesive and collaborative national approach to sustainable arts funding, was launched in October 2019. The Framework has been developed in partnership with the Australian and state and territory governments to give effect to feedback received through extensive public consultation in late 2018 on the former Major Performing Arts Framework. The consultation included 8,026 survey responses, 370 formal submissions and 15 forums across the country. [link to consultations page]
The Office for the Arts has policy responsibility for the Framework and the Creative Australia (formerly the Australia Council for the Arts) has responsibility for implementation, consistent with the Framework agreed by state and territory Arts and Cultural Ministers. Organisations funded under the Framework will benefit from the stability of up to eight years funding. The Framework provides:
- a clear approach to prioritising outcomes for the Australian performing arts sector, audiences and communities, such as growing First Nations arts
- a pathway to expand the number of funded companies through a two-stage invitation and assessment process
- stability of funding balanced with flexibility so governments can jointly respond to changing priorities
- increased transparency and accountability through enhanced reporting, and
- a new approach to rewarding artistic and organisational excellence.