Man in traditional Torres Strait Island dress and Patrick Mau from Mau Power.

Mau Power is a lyrical storyteller from Thursday Island in the Torres Straits. For many years he has been guided by two cultures: Indigenous culture and hip hop culture.

With a proud heritage from the Dhoebaw Clan of the Guda Maluilgal nations (Top Western Torres Strait Region—Dauan Island) and the Argan tribe of the Maluilgal nations (near Western Torres Strait Region—Badu Island), Mau Power is the first traditional-hip hop act to emerge out of the Torres Strait and break out on the Australian music scene.

His performance is a dynamic showcase of Torres Strait culture, language and dance, fused with lyrical poetry and influences of hip hop. With a standout London show, a national tour, a performance at Soulfest, and recognition in the International Songwriting Competition awards for his song Freedom (featuring Indigenous legend Archie Roach), it is safe to say Mau Power has been doing great things, and his plan is to continue to represent his people and culture on a global scale.

It is the art of storytelling that embodies the connection of two cultures that makes Mau Power a truly unique Australian act with universal appeal.