Expert examiners assess the significance of cultural material that is proposed for export from Australia.

The Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986 (the Act) also provides for the return of cultural property to a foreign country if that property was unlawfully exported from that country and imported into Australia. To assist with this process, the Office for the Arts may request assistance from expert examiners with appropriate expertise in areas outside of Australian cultural property.

The work of expert examiners is vital to the operation of the Act. As an expert examiner, you will be listed on a register maintained by the National Cultural Heritage Committee.

What do expert examiners do?

For Australian protected objects, expert examiners:

  • establish if material is classed as an Australian protected object by assessing if it meets the criteria in the National Cultural Heritage Control List
  • advise if the material is so important to Australia that its loss through export would significantly diminish Australia's cultural heritage.

If you are eligible, you will be paid an honorarium of $350 per assessment.

The National Cultural Heritage Committee reviews expert examiner assessments and makes a recommendation to the Minister for the Arts, who makes the final decision about granting a permit.

For foreign cultural property, expert examiners:

  • establish if the material is authentic
  • if the material is authentic, advise the country of origin in present-day terms and the possible significance of the material to that country.

How to register as an expert examiner

Expert examiners are recognised experts in a particular field, and are registered on the basis of their employment, professional qualifications and expertise in their chosen field.

An expert examiner may seek to register as an individual or on behalf of an organisation.

To register your interest to become an expert examiner, submit an application using the Department's online application portal: Expert Examiner Register—Arts (

If you have an questions or experience difficulties using the online application form, please contact the Cultural Property team on 1800 819 461 or email for assistance.

Fact sheet

Published 1 August 2022