Organisations funded by Visions of Australia in March 2016. All amounts are GST exclusive.
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery—kanalaritja: An Unbroken String
$427,875 (over three years) Touring Funding
Historical Tasmanian Aboriginal shell necklaces from the TMAG collection will be exhibited alongside contemporary pieces offering a unique insight into this culturally significant and closely guarded tradition.
Umbrella Studio Contemporary Arts—Wanton, Wild & Unimagined
$45,701 Touring Funding
The exhibition features the work of environmental artist Alison McDonald whose work with plastic refuse aims to communicate optimism in regenerating materials, whilst raising questions about our relationship with plastic and its sustainability.
Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and Culture Centre—Yidumduma Bill Harney Bush Professor
$75,754 Touring Funding
The first major retrospective exhibition about contemporary Indigenous artist Yidumduma Bill Harney, an important interlocutor for Wardaman culture, demonstrating the cultural and social affiliations of life in the Katherine, Northern Territory, area.
International Art Space—spaced 2: future recall
$120,347 Touring Funding
A group exhibition of new works by 18 Australian and international artists based on engagement with local residents, histories and landscapes as part of short-term residencies in rural and remote communities in Western Australia.
JamFactory Contemporary Craft and Design—STEEL: art design architecture
$265,360 (over four years) Touring Funding
The exhibition explores innovative ways and creative responses to steel as a medium by 28 Australian artists, designers and architects.
Mannum Dock Museum of River History—Women of the River Country
$169,693 Touring Funding
The exhibition profiles nineteen women who have shaped the history of the Murray River area. It showcases women's river life, the challenges and successes from the pioneer days to today across the river landscape through photographs and rare artifacts.
State Library of Victoria—Convergence: artists' books and zines
$89,814 Development Funding
An exhibition of Australian artists' books, zines and small press publications from the collections of the State Library of Victoria and the Sticky Institute, an artist-run space dedicated to Australian and international zine culture.
Craft Queensland—Objects of Desire: Contemporary Clay
$67,389 Development Funding
The exhibition will showcase leading contemporary Queensland ceramicists. It will explore the legacy of Queensland ceramics, paying homage to influences from past masters.
Experimenta Media Arts—Experimenta Make Sense: 1st International Triennial of Media Art
$64,420 Development Funding
The exhibition will aim to showcase Australian and international artists who employ, critique and experiment with media and technology to reflect the impact of accelerating technological change on society and culture.