The Public Lending Right Committee represents Australian authors, publishers and libraries in relation to the lending right programs.

We are responsible for managing the lending right schemes. The Public Lending Right Committee is part of the governance arrangements for the Public Lending Right scheme and has an advisory role for the Educational Lending Right scheme.

Current committee members are:

  • Chairperson: Ms Olivia Lanchester
  • Australian author representative: Mr Steven Carroll
  • Australian author representative: Mr Will Kostakis
  • Australian library representative: Ms Clare Thorpe
  • Australian publisher representative: Ms Rachel Bin Salleh
  • National Library of Australia representative: Ms Libby Cass
  • Copyright Departmental representative: Mr Steven Zorzi.

Under the Public Lending Right Act 1985 a committee representing Australian authors, publishers and libraries is appointed by the Minister for the Arts.

Review of Public Lending Right Committee decisions

If the committee makes a decision affecting you, you have 28 days to ask them to review the decision. There is no fee, but you must make the request for a review in writing.

The committee can extend the time limit, but you will need to ask for an extension and explain why you need it in your request.

If the committee doesn't respond within 90 days, the decision stands. In that case, or if you do not agree with the revised decision, you can apply to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for a review.


Public Lending Right Committee
C/o Lending Rights Team

GPO Box 3241
Canberra ACT 2601

Phone toll free: 1800 672 842