New research has investigated how Australia’s creative workforce and economy can best be supported to thrive and create lifelong careers in the arts sector.

musician playing guitar and singing

The Creative Workforce Scoping Study presents data on how labour, technical and economic issues are affecting Australia’s creative industry workforce across six sectors: performing arts, music, visual arts, craft and design, writing and publishing, digital games and screen.

Conducted as part of Revive, Australia’s National Cultural Policy, the study was jointly undertaken by Creative Australia and Services and Creative Skills Australia (SaCSA).

Based on contributions from industry workers, it provides a robust evidence base to support future strategic investment in creative workforce development, address skills shortages and strengthen career pathways in the arts. 

The findings highlight the need for new or re-invigorated initiatives to: 

  • fill identified gaps in formal education and training 
  • bridge gaps between formal education and industry needs
  • strengthen support for industry-led on-the-job mentoring and traineeships and
  • build skills needed across multiple sectors. 

SaCSA will use the study findings to work with key stakeholders in order to develop their work program of industry-led solutions collaborating with government, vocational education and training (VET), higher education, and creative industry employers.

Learn more about the Creative Workforce Scoping Study.