Communities across the country will be able to enjoy fascinating new touring exhibitions through the latest round of the Australian Government’s Visions of Australia program.

Round 19 of the program will provide $1.2 million to enable arts and cultural institutions to develop and tour seven distinct exhibitions. The touring exhibitions will travel to a total of 52 venues, mainly located in regional and remote areas of Australia.
The Visions of Australia program supports the objectives of the National Cultural Policy, Revive: a place for every story, a story for every place, by allowing more Australians to access and participate in arts and culture in their local communities.
The Visions of Australia program makes art and culture accessible to audiences beyond metropolitan areas, allowing them to engage with new and inspiring exhibitions.
Government support through the Visions of Australia program enables more job opportunities for artists and arts workers. It also has significant flow-on benefits for tourism and related industries in our regional and remote communities.
Round 19 recipients include:
- Experimenta Media Arts Inc for the touring of the Experimenta Emergence exhibition to seven venues, which will display new media and technological works by leading contemporary artists examining the forces shaping our future.
- Museums and Galleries of NSW for an 11 venue tour of the exhibition Dr Christian Thompson AO | House of Gold, which chronicles the personal history and Bidjara and Cantonese heritage of this important artist.
- Big hART for Gulgawarnigu – Thinking of something, someone, an exhibition touring to five venues with digital works of art by 42 young artists from Roebourne in Western Australia, developed in collaboration with the National Portrait Gallery of Australia.
For a full list of recipients and for more information on the program, visit Visions of Australia | Office for the Arts