Take action to increase equity, inclusion and representation for people with disability.

Vinh Nguyen wears a baseball cap and facemask and holds a video camera with microphone and tripod.
Image credit: Vinh Nguyen filming, South Melbourne, 2021. Photograph by Raphael Recht.

Today marks International Day for People with Disability (IDPwD). IDPwD 2024 encourages us to become part of creating an inclusive and diverse community in Australia.

There are many actions that arts and cultural organisations of all kinds can take to champion this cause and increase equity for the 1 in 5 Australians with disability.

Some simple actions that arts and cultural organisations can take to improve equity include:

  • investing in disability-led projects
  • developing and implementing disability action plans
  • striving for diversity in staffing and inclusive recruitment
  • considering accessibility in long-term business plans
  • publicly communicating and promoting their organisation's accessibility arrangements
  • engaging appropriately qualified providers to deliver:
    • disability awareness and engagement training for all staff
    • organisational accessibility audits
    • disability cultural safety audits, which can assist organisations to provide an environment where people with disability feel comfortable, supported and respected.

These actions are part of the Equity: the Arts and Disability Associated Plan (the Plan) which recognises that people with disability have made, and are continuing to make, outstanding contributions to the arts, screen and cultural sectors.

The Plan will invest $8.1 million into initiatives that address barriers to equity and support the sectors to build its capability to provide safer, more accessible and more inclusive workplaces and businesses.

If you would like to register for updates on the Plan, including opportunities to be involved or provide feedback, see our contact form.