More than 85 First Nations art centres and artists will benefit from funding this year through the Indigenous Visual Arts Industry Support (IVAIS) program.

Funding of more than $29 million will help fund the operations of art centres, fairs, regional hubs and industry service organisations at the heart of Australia’s vibrant, world-renowned First Nations visual art sector.
Protecting First Nations art is pivotal to Australia's National Cultural Policy – Revive, a place for every story, a story for every place.
The IVAIS program supports:
- a professional, viable and ethical Indigenous visual arts industry which provides economic opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
- the continued production, exhibition, critique, purchase and collection of Indigenous visual art.
Funding is provided through two streams:
- a closed non-competitive grant for organisations currently funded under the program through multi-year grant agreements
- an annual open-competitive opportunity for eligible organisations.
Image credit: Lilian Kerinaiua, artist painting on work on paper using natural ochres. Photographer: Joy Naden, 2022. Photo courtesy of Ngaruwanajiirri Inc.