This page provides information about the Location and PDV Offsets.
Please contact us on or 02 6136 8012 to discuss the PDV Offset or Location Offset further.

Who can apply
Australian or foreign resident companies with an Australian business number working through a permanent establishment in Australia.

When to apply
You can apply at any time.

Funding available
Location Offset—a 30 per cent rebate for the production of large-budget film and television projects shot in Australia, starting principal photography on or after 1 July 2023.
About the program
We manage two tax rebates that support the Australian screen industry, the:
- Location Offset—a 30 per cent rebate for the production of large-budget film and television projects shot in Australia, starting principal photography on or after 1 July 2023.
- Post, Digital and Visual Effects (PDV) Offset—a 30 per cent rebate for work on post, digital and visual effects production in Australia, regardless of where a project is filmed.
Guidelines and glossaries
Revised guidelines for the Location Offset were released in July 2024. These guidelines, along with the current PDV Offset guidelines are available below. Glossaries for the PDV and Location Offsets were also revised in July 2024, providing a comprehensive A–Z of screen industry terminology, with advice on the treatment of specific items as qualifying Australian production expenditure (QAPE).
Read the relevant guidelines and glossary before you start production and before you fill out an application form for provisional or final certification. You can also speak to a member from the Location and PDV Offset team to discuss any questions or issues.
The Location Offset
On 4 July 2024, the Treasury Laws Amendment (Delivering Better Financial Outcomes and Other Measures) Bill 2024, allowing for changes to the Location Offset, including an increase to the rebate to 30 per cent for productions starting principal photography on or after 1 July 2023, was passed by Parliament.
If your production commenced principal photography prior to 1 July 2023, please contact
The Location Offset aims to provide increased opportunities for Australian cast, crew and other screen production service providers to participate in these productions.
Guidelines and glossary
- Location Offset guidelines
- Location Offset glossary
- Guidance on training and infrastructure obligations
- Templates for final reporting requirements
Application form
You can apply for final Location Offset certification online.
Your application will be assessed by the Film Certification Advisory Board. If eligible the Minister for the Arts will issue a certificate for the Location Offset, which includes a determination of QAPE. You need this certificate to claim the offset. The certificate should be included with your relevant year Australian tax return, and the offset amount will be paid out less any existing tax liabilities.
The PDV Offset
The PDV Offset is a 30 per cent rebate that supports work on post-production, digital and visual effects production in Australia, regardless of where a project is shot. It aims to help the Australian visual effects, post-production and animation sector develop its reputation as one of the best in the world.
You can apply for the PDV Offset once you are no longer incurring QAPE related to PDV activities.
Guidelines and glossary
Application form
You can apply for final PDV Offset certification online.
Your application will be assessed by the Film Certification Advisory Board. If eligible the Minister for the Arts will issue a certificate for the PDV Offset. You need this certificate to claim the offset. The certificate should be included with your relevant year Australian tax return, and the offset amount will be paid out less any existing tax liabilities.
Provisional certificates
You can apply for a provisional certificate any time to find out whether your production is likely to qualify for either offset.
A provisional certificate does not provide a guarantee of receiving a final certificate; but it does indicate whether you may be eligible for a final certificate. The assessment of provisional applications also provides an indication of whether the projected expenditure is eligible under the relevant offset. Eligibly will be assessed against the legislation in force at the time of application.
You can apply for PDV Offset provisional certification and Location Offset provisional certification online.
Changes to the Location and PDV Offsets
Changes have been made to the laws for Location and PDV Offsets since they were introduced in 2007.
For the Location Offset, productions starting principal photography or production of the animated image in Australia on or after:
- 10 May 2011, the offset rate was increased from 15 to 16.5 per cent, and additional expenditure on audit, legal, insurance and company fees were made eligible as qualifying Australian production expenditure.
- 1 July 2010, the requirement to spend at least 70 per cent of the total production budget in Australia for productions spending between $15 million and $50 million in Australia was removed.
For the PDV Offset, productions starting PDV work in Australia on or after:
- 1 July 2011, the PDV Offset rate was increased from 15 to 30 per cent, and additional expenditure on audit, legal, insurance and company fees were made eligible as qualifying Australian production expenditure.
- 1 July 2010 the minimum qualifying expenditure threshold for eligibility was reduced from $5 million to $500,000.
Film tax incentives 10BA and 10B were replaced in 2007 by the Producer Offset. The concessional status for investment in productions holding a valid 10B or 10BA certificate ended on 30 June 2009.
On 4 July 2024, the Treasury Laws Amendment (Delivering Better Financial Outcomes and Other Measures) Bill 2024, allowing for changes to the Location Offset, including an increase to the rebate to 30 per cent for productions starting principal photography on or after 1 July 2023, was passed by Parliament. The following additional new eligibility requirements have been introduced:
- The minimum qualifying Australian production thresholds will also increase from 1 July 2023 to $20 million and $1.5 million per hour for television series.
- A requirement that a production must meet minimum training obligations or contribute to the broader workforce and infrastructure capacity of the sector.
- A requirement that a production must use one or more Australian providers to deliver post, digital and visual effects for the production.
- New reporting requirements are included as part of the Location Offset application process to capture data including employment of Australian crew and use of Australian businesses.
Phone: 02 6136 8012
For taxation issues, contact the Australian Taxation Office.
Phone: 132 866
From outside Australia: +612 6136 8012