The Arts Sustainability Fund is now closed.
The Arts Sustainability Fund supported the arts and entertainment sector to continue activities by providing necessary finance to plan a pathway for recovery from the effects of COVID‑19. Funding supported employment and contributed to rebuilding Australia's economy, as well as enhancing community wellbeing and access to cultural experiences across Australia.

Who could apply
Organisations that were party to, or due to enter into, a multi-year funding agreement with the Australian Government, either through the Australia Council or the Office for the Arts.

When to apply
The targeted competitive grant opportunity commenced on 31 August 2020 and closed on 31 May 2022 with all funds allocated.

Funding available
The Arts Sustainability Fund provided support between 2020–22 so that significant Commonwealth-funded performing arts and culture organisations remained solvent, provided employment, and delivered high-quality cultural and creative activities and experiences for audiences.
About the program
COVID-19 update
With the COVID-19 (or Coronavirus) pandemic affecting all of Australia's arts and cultural sector, the operations and financial stability of arts organisations have been significantly affected resulting in some organisations being at risk of insolvency.
The Arts Sustainability Fund supported the arts and entertainment sector to continue activities with funding targeted towards significant Australian Government funded arts organisations to help them remain solvent. The program assisted by providing the necessary finance to plan a pathway for recovery from the effects of COVID-19. This supported the employment of workers and contributed to rebuilding Australia's economy, as well as enhancing community wellbeing and access to cultural experiences across Australia.
Program information
The COVID-19 Arts Sustainability Fund provided support between 2020–22 to organisations funded by the Australian Government, through the Office for the Arts and the Australia Council. Operational funding was provided to these organisations as key employers of Australian artists and art workers, the training ground of Australia's upcoming performing artists and leading presenters of high-quality work to audiences across Australia.
Funding application period: The Fund opened on 31 August 2020 and closed on 31 May 2022, with all funds allocated.
Program logos
The COVID-19 Arts Sustainability Fund logos are used to acknowledge Australian Government support for activities funded through the Fund.
Phone: 02 6271 7695